jeudi 29 octobre 2009

Armando Hart Davalos ...

Expliquant l'importance de créer le José Martí Project of World Solidarity

«Yes, we are in a period following the modern era, that is to say, it is postmodern, characterized by the greatest and most profound crisis in the institutions and political, legal, ethical and cultural values of so-called Western civilization. Those that retain their formal validity are already impotent for facing the drama of humanity in the recently begun century; for this reason, it becomes necessary to create a space for the study, research and promotion of ideas about the need for balance in the world, one that is led by a dialogue removed or distant from the enormous limitations imposed by the world’s immediate conflicts of a practical nature.»

Ce que j'ai vu au Mexique, c'est le refus des frontières nationales, une fraternité entre les peuples, nourrie par la compréhension de l'universalité de l'oppression et par la quête de justice sociale.

«We stand at a crucial moment in the history of the world and of our Americas. The new factor that presents itself is that while so-called Western civilization finds itself at a pessimistic and right-wing crossroads, our Americas today contain the –at least initial– seeds of a world of hope. When Martí was told that the proper atmosphere was lacking for the war of independence, he replied that he wasn’t speaking of atmosphere but of subsoil. In Latin America there is a world of hope that additionally is already emerging toward the surface in the entire hemisphere.»

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