mercredi 2 février 2011

Je salue le peuple égyptien

et je les remercie de ce (r)appel à tous de ce que signifie liberté, droits, démocratie

«It's almost 2am in Egypt, and amid all the drama on our screens and rumours zipping around on the web, we shouldn't lose sight of one basic and incredible fact – for the ninth night running, ordinary Egyptians are on the streets in their thousands, still bound together with remarkable social solidarity, still battling their three-decade-old dictatorial regime, still holding their ground even as it is rained on by rocks and molotov cocktails.

Downtown Cairo is aflame tonight, its streets playing host to block-by-block, roof-by-roof, corner-by-corner urban warfare – but it's the bravery behind those fighting that battle that should really be leaving people open-mouthed.»

Avaaz s'engage à diffuser les messages de soutien de la communauté internationale aux Égyptiens via les diffuseurs dont les signaux atteignent l'Égypte

«We stand with the people of Egypt in their demand for freedom and basic rights, an end to the crackdown and internet blackout, and immediate democratic reform. We call on our governments to join us in our solidarity with the Egyptian people.»

2 commentaires:

cabachand a dit…

Bonsoir! Il est parti!!!

¡Hasta la victoria siempre!

chic Gucci shirts a dit…

hand !